domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

Science is Fiction

Estas pequeñas observaciones que Jean Painleve realizo durante muchisimos años es lo que (yo construye la National Geografic muchos años despues. Basicamente todo lo que es la investigacion marina es gracias a sus investigaciones que el realizo. Todas tienen algo especial. Parece que un niño filmo sus peseras y salio algo muy bonito y poetico a la vez. Estos avances que el construyo para la camara abajo del mar y para ver de manera microscopica son muy impresionates para el tiempo. En la pelicula The Fountain utilizan un metodo distinto para no usar efectos especiales. La informacion es de wikipedia:
One creative solution was uncovering Peter Parks, a specialist in macro photography, who had retrieved deep-sea microorganisms and photographed them in 3-D under partial funding from the Bahamas government. Parks brewed chemicals and bacteria together to create reactions of which Schrecker and Dawson shot 20,000 feet worth of film in the course of eight weeks for The Fountain.[21] To create the effects, Peter Parks had taken advantage of fluid dynamics, which affected the behavior of the substances that he photographed. "When these images are projected on a big screen, you feel like you're looking at infinity. That's because the same forces at work in the water—gravitational effects, settlement, refractive indices—are happening in outer space," Parks said. The specialist's talent convinced the film's creative department to go beyond computer-generated imagery and follow Parks' lead. Instead of millions of dollars for a single special effects sequence, Parks generated all the footage for the film for just $140,000.[1]

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