martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Hollis Frampton: Maxwell's Demon

Leí este pequeño fragmento de Frampton sobre Maxwell´s Demon"I wanted to do something - to put it as sentimentally as possible - for James Clerk Maxwell who is, or was, either the last qualitative physicist or the first quantitative physicist. Maxwell is known and admired among physicists for his work in thermodynamics, which is something I don't know or understand very much about. I believe we're all steeped in thermodynamics in the physical sense; but I have particularly revered Clerk Maxwell because he became, in a very brief aside in a lecture delivered at the Royal College of Edinburgh or some place like that, the Father of the Analytical theory of color, which, in it's applications and ramifications, has given us color photography and color cinematography."Creo que es las posibilidades que se pueden lograr con el color. Puedes experimentar mucho mas que el blanco y negro que lo pone muy rígido. El color es el demonio que creo Maxwell.  

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